
A look back

End of Era Feedback

I hope the end of era gathering went well and lots attended. I was sad that I couldn't attend due to a family event.

I wish to thank you from the bottom of my heart for making the rides happen and making them an incredibly uplifting and humbling experience. I completed 3 of them in the last 4 years. I hadn’t ever done a charity ride, never mind one that went for 300kms. And the first time I did it i was blown away by how fulfilling and uplifting the whole event was. Everything was planned and prepared so meticulously, with the purpose of the event always at the forefront. Meeting and riding' with and hearing the lived experiences of young people who had or were being helped by Canteen was very emotional, challenging and eye opening to hear their cancer journey. Riding and living with all the other riders for 3 days and being part of the Life Cycle for Canteen experience will live with me forever. But I just rode it, my memories are made up of all the volunteers and crew who made it happen.....The incredible food and all that it took to make that food available and ready for all of us. The Toyota family who looked after us so well and just seemed to know when we needed that crucial icy pole to be able to push that last 20 kms out of tired legs. And all the organisers on the ground' on the bikes and in the trucks.

Thank you Jenny for your passion, commitment, knowledge and dedication in making it happen.

Kindest regards



What an amazing achievement Jenny! Great work and we have some very fond memories of this event!

Thanks heaps.



I'm going to do what I can to be there, failing this I would just like to say well done for such an incredible legacy you have made. Incredible effort. Thank-you. The canteen kids have been so very fortunate to have an Ambassador like you. I have fond memories of the onroad events.

Hope to see you there on the 24th.



Such sad news but you should be so proud! What an amazing event you have run and promoted, raising huge dollars for such a worthy cause.

Congratulations Jenny, to you, your family and as the years passed, the committee, sponsors and supporters. I’ve met some inspiring people during these events and made friends that’s hopefully continue to cross paths.

Thank you for all your hard work and enabling me to join in the experience.

Tab - Esperance


Congratulations Jenny on an outstanding and amazing journey. You've done so much for the charity and all the LC club who've had so much fun on the ride (in their vehicles) that is . Happy days

Sue and Vin


I acknowledge it’s a sad day. Also: I wonder if there’s any way to estimate in any sense, how many lives you have touched and improved through life cycle and canteen. I imagine the actual number would completely blow you away!



I was saddened to hear this news initially a few months back. I cannot articulate into words you’re the respect I have for you and your significant contribution to this cause over so many many years! A cause which was so near & dear to my heart having experienced (as a fully grown adult) all the emotions and challenges that come when my mother was affected by cancer 12 years ago.

You have done so much, for so many! You should feel so proud about that. You have made a huge difference to help those affected in such a positive way!

You are a shining star Jenny – you and the Lifecycle for Canteen army!


It’s sad that life cycle has come to an end. I enjoyed the rides I did very much. I don’t do any big rides anymore, just rides around the city. I’m not sure that I can be there on the 24th of November but I wish you all the best & thank you for the fond memories.

Regards, Stephen


Thank you so much for the invite and your kind words. It has been a pleasure.

I am sorry to hear that the Bassendean to Busselton OnRoad event will no longer be going ahead, but a massive congratulations for the money you have raised over that time! I am sure that that money has made a big impact on the youth affected by cancer.

All the best for your future endeavours!



Sorry we have been pulled away to other events.

Has been an awesome chapter and we have made some awesome memories along the way.

A massive thank you from the RRT team for including us!



Thank you for who you are and who you have brought along for the ride in the 25 years of Life Cycle.

Thank you for creating, with your teams, the space for adventure and connection that I have found brings me back again and again.

I won't be able to attend Sunday's gathering and I'm upset I won't be seeing you and all the others as part of this celebration.

Until next time...



I’m just about to leave NZ returning to Perth tomorrow.

I am very sorry that I missed the final get together.

Lifecycle has had a very special place in my heart and I am glad that, through Lifecycle, I have been able to help some others.

I was so very touched for your support following Paul’s unexpected loss and that so many gave so generously at that time.

Thinking about everyone who has worked so tirelessly over the years to make Lifecycle what it is and wishing everyone well in the future.

Love and best wishes
