
Did You Know?

  • $100 means a young person can attend a recreation day, which allows them to take a break from the daily pressures of living with cancer.
  • $75 covers a counselling session for a young person where they get professional support dealing with their emotions and feelings.
  • $25 provides an information resource to guide a young person through the challenges of living with cancer.

There are two donate options:

If you have any queries, please email Jenny: [email protected]
1. You can support any of your friends who are riding by finding their page on Raise It.
2. You can make a donation directly to our bank account:
(Please use your name in the reference.)
Commonwealth Bank
Life Cycle for CanTeen
BSB 066-102
Account number 10147869
Commonwealth Bank
Life Cycle for CanTeen
BSB 066-112
Account number 10426467


You can donate your container refunds to Life Cycle by using the Scheme ID C10344148 or the barcode or QRcode below.

Not all containers are eligible. Here’s a way to remember which ones you can return:

Aluminium is a win. Glass and plastic are always in. Steel and paper are good to go. But milk and wine bottles are a no.

More information here: