OffRoad events:
Our latest event was held in Nannup, in September 2024. 

The 2025 event is occurring 3-5 May. Fully supported ride on the Munda Biddi Trail between Lake Brockman and Pickering Brook.  Details are being finalised.  Registrations are now open.

Daily distances are in the order of Day 1 (Saturday) 58 km, Day 2 (Sunday) 73 km and Day 3 (Monday) 72 km. As in the past, there will be shortened distances for those who choose not to ride the full distance Day 1 (Saturday) 46 km, Day 2 (Sunday) 51 km and Day 3 (Monday)  47 km.

Practice Rides: March to October. See OffRoad tab for details.
(For more information: click on the OffRoad + sign for drop down menu). Anyone is welcome to join us.
Includes the KepTrack Ride Mundaring to Northam and return on 23-24 August.  
Kep Track Ride - Life Cycle for Canteen WA (

OnRoad event:
The 2024 event was our 25th and resulted in over $187,000 donated to Canteen.

Sadly this has become our last OnRoad event.

Thank you to those who made it to our 'End of Era' gathering which was held late November 2024.

Our Sponsors

Our amazing Platinum Sponsors for 2024

Platinum Sponsors

Global Lift
The Boxman
Wild Oceans

Our wonderful Gold Sponsors for 2024

Southern Ports Authority
Lions Club International
Kennards Hire
Rapid Relief Team
Hycraft Homes
New Era Technology
Shire of Murray
Murray Aquatic and Leisure Centre
Veterans Transition Centre

We have donated over $3,000,000 to Canteen since 1998

What is Life Cycle for CanTeen?

Life Cycle is a registered charity which runs events for OnRoad and OffRoad cyclists in WA. The OnRoad event started in 1998 riding from Perth to Busselton over three days. March 2024 was our last one of these.

Our OffRoad event started in 2012 and takes place in September or October each year. So far, we have travelled the length of the Munda Biddi Trail and visited the Margaret River, Collie, Pemberton, Denmark and Nannup areas.

Life Cycle is the biggest community fundraiser for Canteen in Australia. Canteen members, volunteers and staff participate in the OnRoad, giving riders the opportunity to meet and hear from the people we are supporting.

Life Cycle is run by a dedicated group of volunteers on two committees.

Life Cycle for CanTeen Inc (ABN 27 251 421 905) is registered as a charity with the ACNC.

What is Canteen?

What is Canteen?

Canteen is the only organisation in Australia dedicated to providing tailored support for young people aged 12-25 who are impacted by cancer. Through Canteen, they learn to explore and deal with their feelings about cancer, connect with other young people in the same boat and, if they’ve been diagnosed themselves, Canteen provides specialist, youth-specific treatment teams. 

Your contributions will support Canteen WA in supporting Young People through providing connections with other young people in similar situations through events and programs; free counselling and individual support; 24/7 online support communities and specialist treatment and support services for young cancer patients in hospitals.

Visit the Canteen website here

Become a WestCycle Ride Secure member to get great benefits designed just for bike riders, including:  

  • comprehensive personal accident and public liability insurance 24/7 wherever you ride
  • discounts on our 2025 cycling events including: 
    • CANOLA CLASSIC on 24 August 
    • BIKE IT TO BALLIDU GRAVEL on 28 September  
  • a representative voice to government on behalf of WA bike riders 
  • discounts on bike insurance, accessories and other recreational activities,
  • a digital membership card and regular newsletters, and
  • complementary membership to Paraplegic Benefit Fund Australia (worth $55+).

There are membership options for individuals, couples and the whole family!

Unlike other cycling memberships, all WestCycle membership fees remain in WA, to work for WA bike riders.

Special offer for Life Cycle participants:

Become a Ride Secure member using the promo code to get 12 months membership for $125 (instead of $139), or $14 off Ride Secure Family membership options.  Contact Jenny ([email protected]) for the promo code.

Join today so you have peace of mind while training and during your ride for Life Cycle.

WestCycle Membership 
